You're eligible for a refund within 7 days if you're dissatisfied with your purchase due to an error on our part or if the product doesn't arrive.
You are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including original shipping costs, only if your return is a result of an error on our part. To receive a refund, you must return your item directly to us within 7 days of the estimated delivery date and in the same condition you received it in.
You are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including shipping costs, if your product hasn't arrived 30 days past the estimated delivery date. If the shipper/courier provides tracking information indicating the book has arrived, the return is void.
In cases where the product is returned to us for any of the following reasons, the refund price includes product price only: incomplete address, unclaimed, returned to sender, or similar.
Welcome to Qleen2gas
Qleen2gas is Kenya's Top, Leading Online Shopping site and an Ecommerce store.
We offer convenience by providing a one-stop solution for all your needs as an individual shopper, a seller, a corporate buyer, or a person engaged in wholesale purchasing. Discover a diverse range of products from our trusted sellers and suppliers, ensuring quality and authenticity in every purchase. With our user-friendly platform, you can explore, compare, and buy with ease, making online shopping a breeze.
Sellers leverage Qleen2gas platform to showcase their products and reach a wider audience.
The platform: Qleen2gas platform caters to a diverse audience, offering seamless solutions for online selling, shopping, and buying. Explore a world of possibilities with our user-friendly interface, designed to make your online selling and shopping journey enjoyable and effortless.
Corporate Buyers/Office Shopping: Qleen2gas offers tailored solutions to streamline your procurement process. Benefit from our corporate shopping services that simplify bulk orders and ensure timely delivery, meeting your business needs efficiently. Request for quote at
Wholesale Buyers: You can take advantage of our extensive network of suppliers, accessing a wide range of products at competitive prices. Qleen2gas's commitment to quality and variety makes us the ideal choice for wholesalers looking to expand their inventory.
Qleen2gas is not just a marketplace; it's a collaborative ecosystem. We've forged strong partnerships with suppliers to bring you the best prices in the market. Additionally, our affiliate marketing program opens doors for entrepreneurs and influencers to join hands with us in creating a thriving community.